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Exploring Auditory Stimulation

Writer's picture: auroratantraauroratantra

Why is it that some sounds are soothing to the soul whilst others feel like they go right through you.

The crackle of a real fire, cows chomping the cud, waves lapping on the shore, a favourite musical instrument.

When I hear these sounds I often feel calm, grounded, relaxed, held, present in the moment. I want to stay and sink into these sounds.


In contrast, nails on a chalk board and car alarms, create an unpleasant bodily sensation. Even the mere mention of these sounds are enough to trigger the bodily reaction of shivers up my spine. I want to run away.

For me, sometimes it is the sound of a word that has this effect – my two pet hates are gingham and ‘congie’ (short for Congleton). Hearing those words is unpleasant and I feel a creepy tingle on the back of my neck that can expand to a sickly feeling in my stomach if repeated.


I have recently been learning about auras and I think they have something to do with it.

Our aura is our body’s electromagnetic field. It is made up of various layers which have different purposes and expand outwards from the body several metres. Our aura can be a repository for old ‘energy’, literally old particles from the past that can weigh us down and keep us stuck in old patterns and feelings. It can get full of gunk from electronic devices and all the electromagnetic radiation we are routinely exposed to in every day life.


According to Judith Collins some of the ways to cleanse the aura include sun, wind and sound.

After spending a day in the office how good does it feel when you take those first few breaths of air as you leave the building? After visiting a friend or family member in hospital you feel the need for fresh air and go for a walk to blow the cobwebs away. Perhaps you turn your music up loud on your commute home and sink into your favourite sounds.

Our bodies know how to discharge any foreign energy that has found its way into our aura, we simply need to listen and do what comes naturally.

I personally enjoy sound baths with a mixture of crystal bowls and gongs, the frequency seems to cleanse my soul. But any sounds that resonate at the right frequency for us will naturally help our aura to rebalance.

I am drawn to certain instruments with a deep tone and I also enjoy listening to male vocalists with a particularly high tone, both create different reactions in my body.


Recently, I have been introduced to the term ASMR – Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, a term that describes certain sounds that when heard create a specific rection in the body, often a tingling sensation.

This got me thinking about the use of auditory stimulation for those with physical or sensual differences. Just as those with impaired vision often experience a heightening of other senses, I imagine those with different levels of physical ability or sensory capacity may enjoy listening to an erotic voice as a means of experiencing sexual arousal.


And this lead me to wonder about my practice and how I use auditory stimulation in sessions, as not a session goes by without a compliment from a client about my calming tone of voice. So far it is something I have done naturally and unconsciously, but perhaps there is more I can do to cultivate more ASMR’s in my clients, thus activating this pathway to pleasure.


In practice:


If you are someone who experiences ASMR and enjoys a deep softly spoken female voice, you may be pleasantly aroused by a massage with me, or you may enjoy my guided self-pleasure sessions. Whatever your ability or disability, I offer these sessions with an open heart and meet you where you are.


You can book a one to one session with me or join our circle every other Sunday.

My direction of evolution in the Sunday circles is to focus more on using my voice by creating erotic meditations and to speak directly to the camera when guiding participants in touch. I hope these sessions will stimulate your auditory senses and add to the experience of being held, witnessed and celebrated in moments of pleasure.  

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